The demand for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) continues to rise. BCIs may seem sci-fi, but the research and development put into today”s systems make them capable of some amazing things. These devices enable people to communicate with electronic devices with only thought. Notably, a group of researchers from Carnegie Mellon believe they have discovered a way to improve BCI quality. Here’s what you need to know.
The study, which was published in Nature Communications, introduces a new method to improve non-invasive BCI performance. The method harnesses ultrasounds to improve data transmission between wearables and the mind. As such, their results have excited the entire community.
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)
Brain-computer interfaces are the natural evolution of human and machine interaction. Many people are surprised to learn that the first keyboard didn’t have much thought put into them. The computer designers were more focused on other tasks rather than creating a new way to enter text into a machine. Now, interacting with machines has become a core focus for developers who seek to make these moments seamless.
BCI devices can accomplish this task. These devices measure electromagnetic pulses in your brain and translate these pulses into actions. The best systems monitor neural circuits using non-invasive procedures such as wearables. The upside of this technology is that it’s cheap to produce, easy to use, and anyone can leverage its features.
Brain-Computer Interfaces Market Set to Soar
According to the most recent Skyquest report, the BCI market is set to experience a boost in revenue. The data showed that the market will expand to $6.18B by 2030. This growth represents a CAGR of 17.16% for the following years. This growth is coming from many sectors including increased use in medical, gaming, and entertainment industries.
The same study revealed how AI and machine learning boost this technology to new heights. These algorithms have enabled systems to learn to do more and improve accuracy. Best of all, the more data received, the better the performance. Consequently, the BCI market is set for serious growth.
Problems with Brain-Computer Interfaces
The BCI concept sounds great on paper but deciphering brain waves is much harder than one would imagine. Especially when you consider the majority of his work needs to be conducted in a non-intrusive manner. The public would not be ok with scores of injured patients with brain chip implants that went wrong.
Non-invasive BCIs are the best option. They are easy to integrate and universally available for use by even severely handicapped individuals. Today, non-invasive BCIs measure brain wave activity outside of the skull. This added layer of interference reduces the accuracy of these devices significantly, resulting in higher error rates versus invasive options.
The study, “Transcranial focused ultrasound to V5 enhances human visual motion brain-computer interface by modulating feature-based attention,” reveals that ultrasound-targeted neuro-modulation can improve brain communication capabilities with non-invasive BCIs. The researchers wanted to test if Transcranial focused ultrasound (tFUS)combined with high-density electroencephalography (EEG) source imaging (ESI) could improve performance and provide the capability to conduct bidirectional communications.
The report was put forth by Carnegie Mellon researchers led by Bin He. His team has spent years researching, developing, and improving BCI technology. Specifically, the researchers specialize in non-invasive BCIs, making them the ideal group to conduct this study.
Notably, the study received significant backing from the NIH’s The BRAIN Initiative and the Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative (NIH HEAL Initiative). These groups provided material and fiscal support to ensure that the researchers had access to all the tools required. The data will now go to further a variety of much-needed scientific studies.
The testing phase of the study introduced 25 subjects who were fitted with a custom-built EEG cap. The cap was designed to capture and register brain waves that are then sent to an AI algorithm for processing. The system uses deep learning algorithms to decode the waves and improve performance as it expands its experiences.
The participants had two main tasks. The first task was to control a robotic arm. All subjects were able to successfully manipulate the mechanical hand using only their mind. The next test had participants use a BCI speller. Spellers are commonly used by disabled individuals to improve communication.
The study’s results were eye-opening. The participants were able to manipulate the robotic arm with ease. The AI algorithm successfully translated and decoded brain activity into relevant tasks in real time. The device then encoded a return signal, letting the individual know the task was complete. This bidirectional communication was a first for this technology, marking a major milestone in development.
The data highlighted that tFUS significantly improved performance for EEG wearables. The devices were able to better capture brain activity which reduced the error in a BCI speller task as well. The high-frequency waves helped to increase theta and alpha activities, dorsal visual processing, and elevated theta neural oscillation. The later signals improved concentration.
Source – Carnegie Mellon
The BCI Speller Test Results
The BCI speller test results showed that participants were able to successfully spell the desired word with consistency when a focused ultrasound beam was applied externally to the visual cortex of the brain. Scientists researched their results and discovered that the neuromodulation enhanced neural engagement, resulting in higher accuracy. Participants can spell out complex words including Carnegie Mellon as part of the test. Consequently, this breakthrough could improve the lives of millions of disabled individuals globally.
This research could yield serious benefits in the coming months. For one, their study helps to further investment and research into BCI technology. The keyboard has stayed the same since the personal computer was introduced. BIC would represent a massive upgrade that would open the door for a new era of technology.
The researchers have demonstrated how focused ultrasound neuromodulation to the brain improves its ability to communicate with external EEG sensors. Now, the team will seek to make more miniature versions of their technology that can be used anywhere by anyone. Additionally, the AI model will expand as more data is introduced.
Use case
There are many use cases for BCI computer devices. Imagine controlling your smartphone with simply your mind. For the average person, this task seems like wizardry but the science isn’t too far off. Where this tech makes a difference is when you delve into its prime use cases:
Millions of people around the world are disabled and unable to communicate or navigate complex tasks. The integration of BCIs with AI could make life much simpler for these individuals. This tech will combine with automated travel services to enable the average person to get around and conduct tasks regardless of their physical state. For those who suffer from neurological conditions, this solution makes perfect sense.
There are endless ways in which BCIs could help streamline industrial processes. These protocols will help engineers and other skilled workers access and share valuable data in real-time. This information will combine with powerful AI algorithms to drive efficiency and improve results wherever possible.
Companies that Could Benefit from this Research
The continued research into BCIs will help to drive the adoption of new technologies in the future. Specifically, the elimination of technical barriers to adoption across most industries will become a reality as BCIs become more prevalent. For now, here are a few firms that are positioned wisely as the BCI market expands.
1. Blackrock Neurotech
Blackrock Neurotech is a major contender in the BCi sector. The firm has multiple products available to the public that leverage BCI tech. The MoveAgain BCI system is an FDA-approved solution that enables disabled individuals to improve their range of motion, communication, and more using BCIs.
Blackrock Neurotech specializes in invasive BCI tech. These small implants have better signal strength and accuracy than non-invasive technicals since they avoid cranial interference. The firm also offers disabled individuals a product that enables them to move a mouse cursor with their thoughts. All of these features have the potential to improve life for millions.
The Blackrock Neurotech assets are on the rise. The company secured heavy funding from USDT (TETHER) at launch and has used that to boost its product offerings and research. The company’s latest product is called Neurolace. This is a highly sensitive implant that has +10k channels to provide higher precision than previous offerings.
2. Trimble
Trimble sees BCI tech as an essential addition to the building process. The firm specializes in products designed to boost the architecture, engineering, and construction industries. The firm introduced intelligent data solutions and recently partnered with Neurable, seeking to introduce new tools that enhance performance and productivity.
The use of BCI wearable in this industry will assist in streamlining the creation and collaboration efforts on major projects moving forward. Improving builders’ ability to communicate complex theories and concepts. Integrating AR and VR solutions is one of just a few ways that engineering is changing. In the future, AI-enhanced engineers will use the BCI systems to think up new designs that will then go to simulations for testing before being approved and created.
Trimble is a US-based software and hardware provider that has built a reputation for quality. The manufacturer’s record and offerings make it a good addition to any portfolio. Additionally, their work with BCI tech has the potential to upend the industry.
Other Notable BCI Advancements
There are many other BCI advancements and projects worth mentioning. These technological breakthroughs continue to drive innovation and adoption. Here are a few of the most notable BCI advancements made recently.
Chinese Military
The Chinese military just left many worried after showcasing a new BCI interface. The interface was connected to a monkey that was using the device to successfully control a mechanical arm in real-time. Notably, the Chinese government is a huge proponent of BCI technology. In the past, they have touted the tech as a great way to improve memory, sleep, attention, and other brain functions. Now, this tech will help to keep their warfighters on point.
American Military
Not to be outdone, the US military has been involved in some of its own BCI experimentation. One study had soldiers control robot dogs using their minds. The researchers had a soldier direct a mechanical dog through various waypoints on a map. The soldier was using the Microsoft HoloLens platform.
This is by no means the US military’s first venture into the capabilities that BCIs offer. In 2015, the researchers empowered a disabled woman to control a simulated f-35 using brain signals. Consequently, in the future, war may become more mental than imagined.
Future of Brain-Computer Interfaces
As researchers create more sensitive and effective brain wave measuring devices and wearables, the capabilities of BCIs will improve. In the future, signal processing will be improved alongside advanced AI models that can easily encode complex brain activity. As such, the day isn’t to fart off when you could simply desire a pizza, and before you know it, a drone has a hot pie sitting at your doorstep.
Brain-Computer Interfaces Could Change the World
When you look at the endless potential that BCIs have, it’s easy to see a future where everyone appears to possess near-superhuman powers. Imagine using your mind to communicate, build, and share ideas. All of these tasks and much more are just around the corner thanks to the continued efforts of ingenious engineers like the ones from Carnegie Mellon
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